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Forest Edge Learning Federation

Breamore C of E Primary School

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Breamore C of E Primary School

A foundation for life

Our Team

Meet the team who make Breamore such a great school!


Mrs Tracy Allen - Executive Headteacher

Miss Megan Coombes - Executive Deputy Headteacher and Year 3/4 class teacher

Miss Sarah Newman - SENDCo

Ms Faith Seaward - Federation Business Manager 


Mrs Vicky Mylius - Reception/ Year 1 teacher and Sports champion 

Mrs Gemma Sims - Reception/Year 1 teacher and music lead 
Mrs Alison Silver - Year 1/2 class teacher RE Lead and Educational Visits Co-ord
Mrs Stephanie Pavitt - Year 3/4 class teacher - Maths Lead and Pupil Premium Lead

Mrs Donna Tully - Year 5/6 class teacher - Design & Technology Lead 

Mrs Nicola Smith - Year 5/6 class teacher


Mrs Kate Foord - Learning Support Assistant, ELSA
Mrs Claire Sanderson - Learning Support Assistant, Forest School Leader 
Miss Jo Bedford - Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Tracey Robinson - Learning Support Assistant and after school supervisor 
Mrs Theresa Freemantle - Learning Support Assistant and after school supervisor 

Mrs Sue Fraemohs - Learning Support Assistant

Miss Chantelle King - Learning Support Assistant


Miss Hannah Tippen - Administrative Assistant 
