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Forest Edge Learning Federation

Breamore C of E Primary School

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Get in Touch

Breamore C of E Primary School

A foundation for life

Welcome to Buttercup Class Reception / Year 1

A little information about our team:

Mrs Mylius is one of our class teachers in Buttercup Class who teaches Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs Sims is our other Class teacher who teaches on Thursday and Friday.


We have our two full time Teaching Assistants - Mrs Cooper and Miss Bedford who help us in our learning and investigating throughout the week. Mrs Freemantle and Mrs Sanderson will also be in the classroom throughout the week.


We are always available to speak with you about any questions or queries you or your child may have - just contact the school by telephone, email or catch us on the school gate at the start or end of the day.


Buttercup Timetable

STEM - What would life be like without our senses?

Summer Term - English Text.

Useful information:

Tuesdays and Thursdays are P.E. days. Please send your child to school wearing their P.E. kit.


Welcome Wednesday are weekly between 8.45am - 9.05am. You are invited to come in and share a story with the children. 


Wednesdays are Forest School afternoons. Please can all children have a pair of wellies and waterproof clothes / coats in school on this day.

Our Classroom

The Tin Forest - year 1 writing January 2024
